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Your Logo Design Can Make Or Break Your Brand – Here’s How

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Your Logo Design Can Make Or Break Your Brand – Here’s How

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To put it simply, your logo design is the face of your brand. Often, the words “logo” and “brand” are interchangable. Therefore it makes sense that having a great logo reflects well on your brand identity. In contrast, an ill-designed logo is sure to make your brand unattractive. How important is your logo to your brand, exactly? Let’s look at the different ways your logo can affect your brand.

First Impressions Matter

CreativeFlowMedia reminds us that “customers usually develop a first impression of your company by your logo”. Hence, the image that your logo projects is the image that your brand will convey. So if your logo is professionally designed, your brand will seem professional. Conversely, if your logo looks like something a child threw together, your brand will seem like it doesn’t know what it’s doing, and therefore your business doesn’t know what it’s doing.


“Ideally, you’ll want people to instantly connect the sight of your logo with the memory of what your company does”. Thanks for that insightful quote, TailorBrands. Basically, your logo is more likely to be recognized than your brand name is. As a result, your logo design should aim to stand out while remaining true to your brand, so people will always associate your logo with your company, whether they remember your company’s name or not.

Brand Loyalty

Creating brand loyalty is something every business wants because brand loyalty leads to “repeat purchases by consumers, higher revenues, and customer referrals”, as TrackMaven states. Thus having a recognizable and appealing logo contributes to brand loyalty because the more people see your logo and connect with your brand, the more comfortable they will be with your brand. And “this repeated familiarity and comfort level with your brand and logo will translate to a higher degree of customer loyalty”, says LogoDesignTeam.

Beating The Competition

Earlier we talked about how first impressions matter, but it goes deeper than the message your logo conveys. The way your logo looks can affect whether consumers choose your brand over your competitors’. Let’s bring it back to the basics. If you had to choose between a shiny red apple and a bruised and mushy apple, which would you choose? The shiny apple, obviously. It’s the same for your logo design. Essentially, if a consumer is unfamiliar with your company, and your competition’s company, they’re going to base their decision on the first thing they see: both of your logo designs. Due to this, if your logo isn’t designed well, customers are going to choose the other brand, instead.

To sum up, if your branding is essential to your business, then it makes sense that the face of your brand can make or break both your brand and your business. Your logo design is so much more than just a quarter-inch graphic. Most importantly, it’s the first thing customers see when it comes to your business, and what will ultimately attract or deter them.